Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Team Making Guide

There are basics that we should know about formation. As we know, there are six slots in each formation to use. 3 slots for front line and 3 slots for back line.

We must know that each position is the best for certain monster. We should do some analysis when fighting opponent to understand more about this battle position.

Well, let's say that each slot has its own number, so I can explain it one by one.

Slot 1
Monster at slot 1 will always be attacked first, no matter if you get first or last turn. So opponent always places strong attacker at the opposite side. So you should place monster that can take massive hit. This slot is for the bulkiest tanker you have.

Slot 1 monster will always be attacked before attacking.

Slot 2
Monster at slot 2 can attack first if you get first turn and will attack after opposite foe attacks if you get last turn. So you should place your bulky tanker here too. But placing bulkiest tanker at slot 1 is the priority if you already have at least 2 tankers. This slot can be either for semi tanker or tanker.

The slot 2 tanker can still take out the enemy in one hit.

Slot 3
Monster at slot 3 will always attack first before getting attacked, so this slot should be filled by semi tanker monster that can hit the opposing foe hard. Behemoth is example of perfect semi tanker which also has good attack points. So in battle, it will 1-hit KO the opposing foe at front line, but after getting hit by the monster in the back, Behemoth won't be KO and can hit at least once more (to the monster that attacked it) so it can take out minimum of 2 enemies. So this slot is a place for hitter with high HP, or semi tanker.

Slot 3 monster will always attack first, whether you get first or last turn.

Slot 4
Slot 4 monster will always get attacked after attacking once if the tanker in front of it can't take out the opposing enemy in 1 hit. So the monster in this slot won't survive very long. Place hitter monster here. But since the monster here won't survive very long, you must place your most dangerous hitter in other slot than this one. This slot can be placed with your 3rd strongest hitter.

Slot 4 monster only has opportunity to do 1-2 attacks as hitter and KO the monster that can't be 1-hit KO'ed by the monster in front of it (slot 1).

Slot 5
Monster in slot 5 is often the one last survivor in battle, so it can do most attacks among all monsters in your team. Place your 1st strongest hitter here, it will be a serious threat for enemy.

Slot 5 will always be one of the last survivors.

Slot 6
You know that the monster in front of this slot is a semi tanker. If your semi tanker is KO after hitting once because of being hit by opposing back line enemy, the monster in this slot will do the rest of the job to clear all opposing monsters before enemies do. After clearing all opposing foes, it can sweep the remaining foes at the opposite of your pure tanker (opposite foes of slot 1). Place your 2nd strongest hitter here.

Slot 6 monster can be last survivor, so place 2nd strongest hitter in it.

That's all for formation guide, I hope this helps you to choose which monster to place on each slot!

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