Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Monsters of The New World, Parnes

There are many strong monsters from new world. We can know that from seeing their BP, which determines stats. Parnes monsters has 23-28 BP which are higher than average monsters.

1. Beach

Beach has a famous 8-star strong monster that has a really scary sweeping skill, and that is Squid. She can sweep 3 monsters at a time with high amount of ATK. She is designed to be an offensive, tanker-sweeper monster.

Family Name: Squid
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Elements: White/Black
Best Stats: 28,326 ATK / 20,276 HP

Beach also has Hermit Crab, which has ability to stun the foes it hits. It will be useful in battle, as front line stunner. The opposing enemy won't get turn to attack you back!

Family Name: Hermit Crab
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Blue
Best Stats: 20,117 ATK / 28,473 HP

Beach also has a 9-star, extremely strong 28 BP monster known as Ocean Nymph, which can damage all foes at a time. She is designed to KO all monsters with low HP in first shot.

Family Name: Ocean Nymph
Rarity Star: 9
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Blue
Best stats: 37,035 ATK / 34,574 HP

Both high ATK and HP makes her scary to be in team, but she is extremely hard to find at Beach-Boss stage, at last 10 floors. It's better to search for Ocean Nymph 5* at Catching Monsters Event (2x captive chance).

2. Underground Tunnel

Not really famous 8-star monsters, but they are still strong and can be used well in battle. They are Mudpuppy and Armored Golem.

Family Name: Armored Golem
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Red
Best Stats: 21,896 ATK / 26,777 HP

Family Name: Mudpuppy
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Elements: White/Black
Best stats: 20,508 ATK / 28,084 HP

Crimson Armored Golem is designed to be bulky, so it needs HP buffs. Its effect only triggers if it is not 1-hit KO'ed by enemy monster, so the damage taken will be reflected back. However if it's OHKOed by enemy monster, its skill won't trigger and there will be no damage reflect.

Mega Mudpuppy is a tanker too, but its skill is really unique. We always need bulky tankers at front but it gives HP boost to back line monsters. I don't know why Mudpuppy is designed with back line HP skill, but I'm sure someone can make a good use of it.

And here comes, probably strongest monster in Parnes, and she is Legendary Dungeon Elf.

Family Name: Dungeon Elf
Rarity Star: 9
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Green
Best Stats: 38,716 ATK / 32,812 HP

She has almost as high ATK as Valkyrie Queen (39,218 ATK), so she has high potential to sweep all foes in one shot. Same as Ocean Nymph, she is extremely hard to find at last 10 floors of Underground Tunnel - Boss stage.

3. Desert

Desert has also great 8-star monsters, known as Buprestidae and Cactus Lady.
Ultimate Buprestidae has +30% ATK for back line monsters and Cactus Queen deals 10% HP poison damage, which stays at foe until it is KO, and then the poison moves to another random foe after it is KO.

Family Name: Cactus Lady
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Green
Best Stats: 20,246 ATK / 28,342 HP

Family Name: Buprestidae
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Elements: R/G/B
Best Stats: 26,460 ATK / 22,142 HP

Cactus Queen is designed for defensive, but poisonous build. She doesn't rely on her own ATK, but the poison damage. So she needs to stay survive along with other teammates until all foes are KO by poison.
Buprestidae is designed for back line, hard hitter. It supports all back line hitters so the hitters can OHKO all tankers and remaining enemy monsters.

And here is the 9-star monster, bulkiest monster known from the maximum HP, the Scorpion Queen.

Family Name: Scorpion
Rarity Star: 9
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Red
Best Stats: 33,026 ATK / 38,581 HP

As bulkiest tanker in Cybermon universe, she needs more HP boost to maximize her potential. She should be able to take more than 2 hits to be enormous threat of foes. More HP she has, more attacks she can counter. Maybe almost every Red or fire monsters are designed to be offensive, but she is designed to be both offensive and defensive monster, to complete everything that Red element needs.