Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Event Monsters

We know that there are monsters that we can only catch in event and all of them are 8-star and 9-star monsters. Event monsters can be obtained through 2 kinds of event, those are Raid Boss Event and Special Dungeon Event.

1. Raid Boss Event

This event is an event where you can't catch the monsters in the event dungeon, but you can gain diamonds to be traded with chests. The chests often give discs and gems, and the event monster itself. The plus points we can see from this event are:
  • You can get tons of discs and gems
  • You can get event monsters without wasting Master Cubes
There are 2 kinds of player in this event, the adventurers and helpers.
  • Adventurers walk in the event dungeon and gain points from fighting monsters there and gain extra points from Boss Founder Bonus at cost of more energy gallons, bottles, or cans. Adventurers can get evo key, one of raid boss unique features, starting at 30th floor and above, which evolves all your monsters to maximum forms and maximum levels (free for 3 minutes in first try, then costs 20 golds after that).
  • Helpers will only help adventurers to beat the boss they found so the helpers will get points too. But they can't experience evo key feature!
Both of them get benefits so attending this event is fun.

2. Special Event Dungeon

This event is "catch oriented" where players must go to Endless Floor (starting after finishing the 100th floors) to catch the 9-star babies with Master Cubes they have. So people who don't go to the dungeon and walk around won't get any event points or event monsters.

But since this event allows you to catch monsters, it's easier for players to collect 9* babies than raid boss (which depends on your luck whether you'll get monster from chest or not).

The Event Monsters

So now we can explore about the event monsters themselves. There are many event monsters created by GM so far. These are the 9* main event monsters.
  • Crystal Dullahan
  • Iron Maiden
  • Behemoth
  • Spirit Knight
  • Gigas
  • Marionette
  • Dragon Maiden

1. Crystal Dullahan

Crystal Dullahan is a White monster with skill that decreases HP of all foes by 15%. It has synergy with other White monsters such as Holy Spirit (Holiness) and Dragon Maiden to create a multi-hitter team. Having high HP makes it having great combination with Olivia character, who increases HP of White monsters by 20%.

2. Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden is a Black event monster that decreases ATK of all foes by 15%. It has high ATK and good HP, making it a greatly balanced strong monster. Combined by team of Succubus, it will be both hitter and ATK reducer at same time.

3. Behemoth

Behemoth is a both great semi tanker and hitter. It can OHKO (1-hit KO) foes with high ATK and tank hits from foes thanks to its extremely high HP. So while being hitter, it can be placed at front-right to attack first and tank a hit, so it can do minimum of 2 attacks with great amount of power. Giving front line HP buff is really perfect for Behemoth.

4. Spirit Knight

Despite of its cool design, Spirit Knight is the first event monster which has a new skill, that is line skill. It decreases ATK of back line foes by 30%, starting at 8* form. The new line skills are imbalanced, so maybe it's the reason that GM made this skill growing from 5%, 10%, 20%, then finally 30%. So having strong Spirit Knight may take some time because you should make it to 8* to make it having normal line skill buff. Full -ATK back line will be a great threat for enemies who have decent ATK buff for back line monsters, so this monster will come in handy. Its stats, both ATK and HP are high, so it can be placed in front or back.

5. Gigas

This male monster may not have good looking, but he will be badass with 9* armors at last 2 forms. This monster has great skill which is needed by almost any team, that is 30% HP boost for front line monsters. Like Spirit Knight, he has growing skill from 5% HP boost to 30% HP boost starting at 8*. He has great HP too, perfect for front line tanker.

6. Marionette

This girl is someone to be scared of. She has high ATK and good HP, while having 30% ATK bonus for back line monsters. So she is counterpart of Gigas. She is a back line hitter. Same as Gigas and Spirit Knight, her ATK buff grows from 5% up to 30% at 8* and 9*. This girl, along with Spirit Knight are only monsters with all elements available.

7. Holy Dragon Maiden

One of the scariest event monster. She has the highest BP (25 while others have 23), so she has highest stat total among all event monsters. Not only that, she also has overpowered skill - the 70% sweeping damage to foes. She is the greater version of Squid (higher HP, higher star, but almost same ATK), and she is a White-element exclusive.

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