Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Athon's 8-star Monsters

There are some great 8-star monsters found in the stages of Athon World. Here, I'll only tell you which monsters are very useful for each element and where to catch them.

1. Stone Salamander

This stone dragon has great potential to be a tanker. So for tanking, it is the best among all 8-star green monsters. It has 23,237 HP at max level with best stats. So, with its own self HP buff, it will have 37,180 HP. Very bulky, almost as bulky as Succubus Queen.

You can find baby forms of this dragon at Valley-3 and Valley-Boss stage.

2. Water Wyrm

Water Wyrm has high HP, which is more than 24,000 HP. It provides 20% HP for Blue allies, so it is a must for a blue player to get one. Because of its high HP, it can be placed at front line as tanker.

Water Wyrm babies can be found in Underwater-3 and Underwater-Boss stage.

3. Fire Wyvern

Despite of having cool design, this blazing dragon is an awesome attacker. It has more than 24,000 ATK at max level with best stats. It increases 15% ATK of all ally monsters. It's a hard hitter, so place it at back line.

The baby forms of this fire dragon can be found at Volcano-3 and Volcano-Boss stage.

4. Cerberus

Same like Fire Wyvern, this Cerberus is a great attacker, but it also has great HP. His ATK and HP are around 23,000 and 21,000 at max level with best stats. Like Fire Wyvern too, it increases ATK of all allies by 15%. This monster is the counterpart of Seraphim.

As we know, 1st and 2nd forms of this monster can be found at Temple of Evil, maybe starting at 30th floor.

5. Metalica

This robotic metal dragon has highest base HP among all 8-star Athon monsters, it's around 27,000. It gives 15% HP to all allies. This tanker is really good to tank many hits at front line. It will be perfect if used with Olivia character with +20% HP for White allies as her main skill.

Baby forms of Metalica can be found at Lost City-3 and Lost City-Boss stage.

And then...


Well, I guess this one is only for fun. Nice edit you did there!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Team Making Guide

There are basics that we should know about formation. As we know, there are six slots in each formation to use. 3 slots for front line and 3 slots for back line.

We must know that each position is the best for certain monster. We should do some analysis when fighting opponent to understand more about this battle position.

Well, let's say that each slot has its own number, so I can explain it one by one.

Slot 1
Monster at slot 1 will always be attacked first, no matter if you get first or last turn. So opponent always places strong attacker at the opposite side. So you should place monster that can take massive hit. This slot is for the bulkiest tanker you have.

Slot 1 monster will always be attacked before attacking.

Slot 2
Monster at slot 2 can attack first if you get first turn and will attack after opposite foe attacks if you get last turn. So you should place your bulky tanker here too. But placing bulkiest tanker at slot 1 is the priority if you already have at least 2 tankers. This slot can be either for semi tanker or tanker.

The slot 2 tanker can still take out the enemy in one hit.

Slot 3
Monster at slot 3 will always attack first before getting attacked, so this slot should be filled by semi tanker monster that can hit the opposing foe hard. Behemoth is example of perfect semi tanker which also has good attack points. So in battle, it will 1-hit KO the opposing foe at front line, but after getting hit by the monster in the back, Behemoth won't be KO and can hit at least once more (to the monster that attacked it) so it can take out minimum of 2 enemies. So this slot is a place for hitter with high HP, or semi tanker.

Slot 3 monster will always attack first, whether you get first or last turn.

Slot 4
Slot 4 monster will always get attacked after attacking once if the tanker in front of it can't take out the opposing enemy in 1 hit. So the monster in this slot won't survive very long. Place hitter monster here. But since the monster here won't survive very long, you must place your most dangerous hitter in other slot than this one. This slot can be placed with your 3rd strongest hitter.

Slot 4 monster only has opportunity to do 1-2 attacks as hitter and KO the monster that can't be 1-hit KO'ed by the monster in front of it (slot 1).

Slot 5
Monster in slot 5 is often the one last survivor in battle, so it can do most attacks among all monsters in your team. Place your 1st strongest hitter here, it will be a serious threat for enemy.

Slot 5 will always be one of the last survivors.

Slot 6
You know that the monster in front of this slot is a semi tanker. If your semi tanker is KO after hitting once because of being hit by opposing back line enemy, the monster in this slot will do the rest of the job to clear all opposing monsters before enemies do. After clearing all opposing foes, it can sweep the remaining foes at the opposite of your pure tanker (opposite foes of slot 1). Place your 2nd strongest hitter here.

Slot 6 monster can be last survivor, so place 2nd strongest hitter in it.

That's all for formation guide, I hope this helps you to choose which monster to place on each slot!

Best Stats Making Guide

To have good team and to sell monsters at standard and high prices, we need to make monster with stats as high as we can. Higher stats will make a monster stronger and more attractive to be bought in the bazaar. So, we need to learn about best stats.
Best stats monsters have more appeal for people, so they get sold faster.

As the words say, best stats means the monster has the best stats it can have at the max level, so the evolved monster has the HIGHEST stats retained. Non-best stats monsters are only produced from imperfect evolution. Monsters from tickets and combinations, or babies (1st form) always have BEST STATS.

Best stat is obtained through highest stats retained from evolving.

After evolving, the evolver monsters' retained stats (10% for max leveled and 5% for otherwise) are inherited to the newborn evolved monster.

BEST STATS always attracts people to have the monster at bazaar, because BEST STATS means PERFECT STATS or NON-REDUCED STATS. So monsters with BEST STATS are worth more price.

Best stats is also useful sometimes in battle.

What is Imperfect Evolution?
I define imperfect evolution as evolution that produces NON-BEST STATS monsters. If the monsters used from evolving have non-best stats or level that is not maxed yet, the next evolution onwards won't ever produce a BEST STATS monster.

So, how to make BEST STATS monster?
You should have 2 same monsters with both BEST STATS and maximized level.
Without it you won't produce best stats monster.


How if I don't have many gems? I'm lack of them... So I can't make BEST STATS monster.

Then you don't need to make best stats, but at least make monster with stats as high as you can make.
At 1st evolution you may maximize only 1 monster and leave the other one at Lv 1. Make sure the evolver is the Lv 1 monster so you won't waste gems if you fail evolving and lose the evolver monster. Max leveled monster will have its 10% stats retained and not-max leveled will have its 5% stats retained.

If you really lack of gems, you can evolve 1st form monsters at level 1, but only up to 2nd or 3rd form, so at last form it will still have high until almost perfect stats.

I have no calculation for stats retained and what would the stats be if you don't upgrade the monster at certain form, you can search for it or ask it to experienced evolver players. But I still suggest you to make a monster with stats as high as possible so it's worth more BC and it will be stronger than others, although it has only 1-100 stats difference at the end.

Other Guides

There are many other guides you can see here! Please click any link below to see the guides!

1. Best Stats Making Guide
2. Team Making Guide

Event Monsters

We know that there are monsters that we can only catch in event and all of them are 8-star and 9-star monsters. Event monsters can be obtained through 2 kinds of event, those are Raid Boss Event and Special Dungeon Event.

1. Raid Boss Event

This event is an event where you can't catch the monsters in the event dungeon, but you can gain diamonds to be traded with chests. The chests often give discs and gems, and the event monster itself. The plus points we can see from this event are:
  • You can get tons of discs and gems
  • You can get event monsters without wasting Master Cubes
There are 2 kinds of player in this event, the adventurers and helpers.
  • Adventurers walk in the event dungeon and gain points from fighting monsters there and gain extra points from Boss Founder Bonus at cost of more energy gallons, bottles, or cans. Adventurers can get evo key, one of raid boss unique features, starting at 30th floor and above, which evolves all your monsters to maximum forms and maximum levels (free for 3 minutes in first try, then costs 20 golds after that).
  • Helpers will only help adventurers to beat the boss they found so the helpers will get points too. But they can't experience evo key feature!
Both of them get benefits so attending this event is fun.

2. Special Event Dungeon

This event is "catch oriented" where players must go to Endless Floor (starting after finishing the 100th floors) to catch the 9-star babies with Master Cubes they have. So people who don't go to the dungeon and walk around won't get any event points or event monsters.

But since this event allows you to catch monsters, it's easier for players to collect 9* babies than raid boss (which depends on your luck whether you'll get monster from chest or not).

The Event Monsters

So now we can explore about the event monsters themselves. There are many event monsters created by GM so far. These are the 9* main event monsters.
  • Crystal Dullahan
  • Iron Maiden
  • Behemoth
  • Spirit Knight
  • Gigas
  • Marionette
  • Dragon Maiden

1. Crystal Dullahan

Crystal Dullahan is a White monster with skill that decreases HP of all foes by 15%. It has synergy with other White monsters such as Holy Spirit (Holiness) and Dragon Maiden to create a multi-hitter team. Having high HP makes it having great combination with Olivia character, who increases HP of White monsters by 20%.

2. Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden is a Black event monster that decreases ATK of all foes by 15%. It has high ATK and good HP, making it a greatly balanced strong monster. Combined by team of Succubus, it will be both hitter and ATK reducer at same time.

3. Behemoth

Behemoth is a both great semi tanker and hitter. It can OHKO (1-hit KO) foes with high ATK and tank hits from foes thanks to its extremely high HP. So while being hitter, it can be placed at front-right to attack first and tank a hit, so it can do minimum of 2 attacks with great amount of power. Giving front line HP buff is really perfect for Behemoth.

4. Spirit Knight

Despite of its cool design, Spirit Knight is the first event monster which has a new skill, that is line skill. It decreases ATK of back line foes by 30%, starting at 8* form. The new line skills are imbalanced, so maybe it's the reason that GM made this skill growing from 5%, 10%, 20%, then finally 30%. So having strong Spirit Knight may take some time because you should make it to 8* to make it having normal line skill buff. Full -ATK back line will be a great threat for enemies who have decent ATK buff for back line monsters, so this monster will come in handy. Its stats, both ATK and HP are high, so it can be placed in front or back.

5. Gigas

This male monster may not have good looking, but he will be badass with 9* armors at last 2 forms. This monster has great skill which is needed by almost any team, that is 30% HP boost for front line monsters. Like Spirit Knight, he has growing skill from 5% HP boost to 30% HP boost starting at 8*. He has great HP too, perfect for front line tanker.

6. Marionette

This girl is someone to be scared of. She has high ATK and good HP, while having 30% ATK bonus for back line monsters. So she is counterpart of Gigas. She is a back line hitter. Same as Gigas and Spirit Knight, her ATK buff grows from 5% up to 30% at 8* and 9*. This girl, along with Spirit Knight are only monsters with all elements available.

7. Holy Dragon Maiden

One of the scariest event monster. She has the highest BP (25 while others have 23), so she has highest stat total among all event monsters. Not only that, she also has overpowered skill - the 70% sweeping damage to foes. She is the greater version of Squid (higher HP, higher star, but almost same ATK), and she is a White-element exclusive.

Team Formations

There are several known formations people use on battles. These are some of them, and there are much more.

1. Single-Element Team
2. Multi-Sweep Team
3. Anti-ATK (ATK negative buff) Team
4. Random Team (which is categorized as etc. and won't be explained in description)

1. Single-Element Team

Single element team, by far is the best choice team to make. There are several reasons why we must choose this kind of team:

  • More buffs for one element (up to +25%)
  • If you don't like to buy characters, you should make single-element team so you won't waste the 15% ATK for all of your allies (main skill of Ignis, Nia, Adrian, Igna, Neil, and Aria)
  • Makes you look like an element master! (well this is just intermezzo)

You will have stronger team when you use one-element team. Maximum ATK and HP for single-element monsters bonus is +25% while maximum buff for all allies is only +20%. You can win from any team with this kind of team. I suggest you to use 2 characters with different skills. For example you have green team. So Nia will have 2 25% ATK boost for green monsters and Neil has 2 25% HP for green monsters. With that, you can counter almost any team variations with ATK-focused and HP-focused char skills as long as your team has same degree and power.

This is my own single-green element team versus another green team, with 90% ATK for all allies and 20% HP for all allies, and additional 30% HP for front line monsters.

Counter: Single element debuff, which can reach -30% ATK or HP per negative buff. Your team will be very weak of this team. So be warned of team that is full of Black Widows, Pandas, Hobbits, or Snow Ladies!

If it's very weak to single-element debuff, why still choose this team?
Because only very few players want to make that kind of team...

2. Multi Sweep Team

This is one of the scariest team that is overpowered once you finish making it. There are 2 kinds of multi-sweep team, those are all-damage team and sweeping damage team.

All damage is good but not really popular among players. This team works by reducing foes' HP as many as it can, then letting the all-hitter monster KO all the foes. So it will be 5 HP reducers and 1 all-hitter. But this is recommendation only, you can create it by your own idea and strategy. This can be strong team if you use Elf or Nymph as the all-hitter along with green/blue team and green/blue character, so your all-hitter and HP reducers get 15% bonus ATK from character's main skill.

Sweeping damage team is really scary. People often go with 2 Squids (minimum of 7*) and the rest are back line ATK buffers or single-black/white element ATK buffers. You don't need tanker to make this team. All you need is to do the highest damage you can produce, so you win the turn because your monster can take out more than one monster in a time.

This is a picture of team with full ATK buffs along with one Holy Squid in it. I won, but if he has two Holy Squids, it will guarantee my defeat.

Counter: Single-Element Debuff or Full ATK Debuff. Why? Because there are some bulky ATK reducers as Succubus, so even full-ATK Holy Squid may not be able to take team of Succubus as front tankers. Their HP are overwhelming and The Squid is fragile, so an Arch Succubus can take it out in only one hit, along with other fragile allies, such as Jinlong or Clock Tower Deleter.

Still, if you can, you should have Holy Dragon Maiden, which is both scary and bulky as White sweeper monster. You can do several buff variations in it so Holy Dragon Maiden's high HP is boosted and she can't be taken out by only 1 hit.

3. Anti-ATK Team

We can see this team often with Maya character in it. This team can take out many kinds of team because the team always includes Succubus which has overwhelming HP and all-ATK decrease. This team should have at least an ATK or HP boost so exact -100% ATK or HP from opponent won't reduce your monsters' ATK or HP to 1.

Counter: Single-element attacker team, with full of ATK buffs and great equal stats as Succubus will take this team down. Why? Because single-element buffs provide more ATK (+25%) than decrease ATK of all foes buffs (-20%).

The picture above shows you the amazing -ATK buffs which really weaken your team.

4. Random Team

Some people use combinations from 3 kinds of team above and maybe other new formations. Good luck on trying it out!

Legendary Rare Monsters

This Cyber World is inhabited by many monsters. Most of them are captive, but few of them are not, which are both unique and strong. The non-captive monsters in the Cybermon World are called as rare, legendary monsters.

The ways to obtain them are only these:
1. Legendary Monster Hunting Event
2. Silver (very very rare) and Gold Tickets (very rare)
3. Combinations (no matter if you use 10,000 coins or golds, you can get them from both methods)

1. Legendary Monster Hunting Event

This is a rare monthly event held by the Game Master. A family of legendary monster will appear in certain dungeon and certain floor. Still with the rare captive chance of course, but once you reach the floor where they appear, you can find them almost in every battle.

2. Silver and Gold Tickets

No need for descriptions, all you need is luck.

3. Combinations

Same as above, you only need luck and of course you can only get it by combining 4* or 5* monsters.


Monsters of The New World, Parnes

There are many strong monsters from new world. We can know that from seeing their BP, which determines stats. Parnes monsters has 23-28 BP which are higher than average monsters.

1. Beach

Beach has a famous 8-star strong monster that has a really scary sweeping skill, and that is Squid. She can sweep 3 monsters at a time with high amount of ATK. She is designed to be an offensive, tanker-sweeper monster.

Family Name: Squid
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Elements: White/Black
Best Stats: 28,326 ATK / 20,276 HP

Beach also has Hermit Crab, which has ability to stun the foes it hits. It will be useful in battle, as front line stunner. The opposing enemy won't get turn to attack you back!

Family Name: Hermit Crab
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Blue
Best Stats: 20,117 ATK / 28,473 HP

Beach also has a 9-star, extremely strong 28 BP monster known as Ocean Nymph, which can damage all foes at a time. She is designed to KO all monsters with low HP in first shot.

Family Name: Ocean Nymph
Rarity Star: 9
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Blue
Best stats: 37,035 ATK / 34,574 HP

Both high ATK and HP makes her scary to be in team, but she is extremely hard to find at Beach-Boss stage, at last 10 floors. It's better to search for Ocean Nymph 5* at Catching Monsters Event (2x captive chance).

2. Underground Tunnel

Not really famous 8-star monsters, but they are still strong and can be used well in battle. They are Mudpuppy and Armored Golem.

Family Name: Armored Golem
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Red
Best Stats: 21,896 ATK / 26,777 HP

Family Name: Mudpuppy
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Elements: White/Black
Best stats: 20,508 ATK / 28,084 HP

Crimson Armored Golem is designed to be bulky, so it needs HP buffs. Its effect only triggers if it is not 1-hit KO'ed by enemy monster, so the damage taken will be reflected back. However if it's OHKOed by enemy monster, its skill won't trigger and there will be no damage reflect.

Mega Mudpuppy is a tanker too, but its skill is really unique. We always need bulky tankers at front but it gives HP boost to back line monsters. I don't know why Mudpuppy is designed with back line HP skill, but I'm sure someone can make a good use of it.

And here comes, probably strongest monster in Parnes, and she is Legendary Dungeon Elf.

Family Name: Dungeon Elf
Rarity Star: 9
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Green
Best Stats: 38,716 ATK / 32,812 HP

She has almost as high ATK as Valkyrie Queen (39,218 ATK), so she has high potential to sweep all foes in one shot. Same as Ocean Nymph, she is extremely hard to find at last 10 floors of Underground Tunnel - Boss stage.

3. Desert

Desert has also great 8-star monsters, known as Buprestidae and Cactus Lady.
Ultimate Buprestidae has +30% ATK for back line monsters and Cactus Queen deals 10% HP poison damage, which stays at foe until it is KO, and then the poison moves to another random foe after it is KO.

Family Name: Cactus Lady
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Green
Best Stats: 20,246 ATK / 28,342 HP

Family Name: Buprestidae
Rarity Star: 8
Maximum Form: 5
Elements: R/G/B
Best Stats: 26,460 ATK / 22,142 HP

Cactus Queen is designed for defensive, but poisonous build. She doesn't rely on her own ATK, but the poison damage. So she needs to stay survive along with other teammates until all foes are KO by poison.
Buprestidae is designed for back line, hard hitter. It supports all back line hitters so the hitters can OHKO all tankers and remaining enemy monsters.

And here is the 9-star monster, bulkiest monster known from the maximum HP, the Scorpion Queen.

Family Name: Scorpion
Rarity Star: 9
Maximum Form: 5
Element: Red
Best Stats: 33,026 ATK / 38,581 HP

As bulkiest tanker in Cybermon universe, she needs more HP boost to maximize her potential. She should be able to take more than 2 hits to be enormous threat of foes. More HP she has, more attacks she can counter. Maybe almost every Red or fire monsters are designed to be offensive, but she is designed to be both offensive and defensive monster, to complete everything that Red element needs.


Temple of God and Temple of Evil Monsters

Temple Monsters

The strongest monsters here are known as Valkyrie and Succubus. They're the strongest monsters that can be found on the World 1 (Athon) and captive for players.

They're counterpart of each other. Valkyrie has strongest ATK while Succubus has highest HP among all Athon monsters. Both of them have Red/Green/Blue element, but White is exclusive for Valkyrie and Black is exclusive for Succubus. Their stats at maxed level and last form (Valkyrie Queen and Succubus Queen) are very high, because both their BP (Battle Points) are 26. Valkyrie gives ATK to all allies while Succubus decreases all foes' ATK.

Family Name: Valkyrie & Succubus
Rarity Star: 9
Maximum Form: 5
Elements: R/G/B/W(Valkyrie)/Bk(Succubus)

Best stats at max level and last form:
Valkyrie Queen: 39,218 ATK / 27,235 HP
Succubus Queen: 27,880 ATK / 38,573 HP

Almost no monster in the Cybermon World can beat Valkyrie's ATK and Succubus' HP, except Great Time Master 9* in ATK and Scorpion Queen 9* in HP.

As a player, it is a must to get these girls since both of them are scary strong and still captive for any players above Lv 70.

TOG and TOE Access

Every player can access TOG and TOE once they reach level 70.
The Valkyrie and Succubus can be caught only at baby (5-star/1st) form.
Both of them will start to appear at 40th floor with rare unknown chance, but they will often appear above 80th floor.


Monster Guide

As we know, if we want to make to make a strong team, we need to make strong monsters too. There are some strong monsters and they are:

Click 1, 2, 3, or 4 to see each guide.

Welcome To Cybermon World!

Welcome to Cybermon World!

Welcome in cyber world, players! I hope you're interested with this new made blog. This blog will help you on playing Cybermon with all the simple guides that are easy to do. I hope I can develop this blog more and more so it will be an awesome Cybermon Unofficial Guide Page!

Now you can start reading from the Monster Guide!
You can see the rest of the guides from the tabs above.