Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bazaar System Guide

Bazaar system is a trading system in Cybermon game where you can trade your monsters for BC (Bazaar Coins) and other monsters. These are important things you need to know:
  • The currency in bazaar is Bazaar Coin (BC). The way to obtain BC is only by selling your monster in BC or buying BC with golds. You get BC three times of golds you pay. For example, 200 golds will get you 600 BC.
  • You can only trade your monster to a monster with same tier (9* family monster to a 9* family species)
  • You can only trade your monster to any monster with same rarity, except to an exactly same monster (same both color and species)
  • You can only sell your monster for BC in their own price range. But most of 8-star and 9-star monsters don't have price range (1-999,999 BC)
  • The monsters you sell in BC will be sold in higher price due to tax once they're available. The tax varies from 3% to 10% depending on the price you put on them.
  • Trading your monster to another monster will get you monster with various stats and levels, depending on the monster the trader gave to you. So if you don't like monster that doesn't have best stats (BS), don't dare to trade your monster with another monster. You may get monsters with low stats.

How to get BC? Here are my hints.
  • Search for strong and exotic baby monsters. Not many people want to buy BC via golds, so BC will run out if no player wants to buy golds. But, this game has some players who collect rare or strong monsters and they would buy golds to get the exotic monsters they're searching for. Most of monsters they are searching for are 9* family species, for example: Dungeon Elf, Kirin, Scorpion, Bastet, Ocean Nymph. These are monsters you can still catch with Lv 50 and 90 requirements that are still being sold well at bazaar. Legendary monsters like Phoenix, Time Keeper, Hollow Komodo, Lamia, are exotic monsters too. But, since they can't be found in normal dungeons, you won't easily get these monsters.
  • Sell your monsters with lowest price in bazaar. Well, who wants to buy monster with higher price unless if it has better stats or higher level, anyway?
  • Make sure you asked some people first what price to give for monster you have that has low stock, or isn't found in bazaar. It might be a rare monster that is worth high price. Don't haste and sell it in your own price or you'll regret it later.

How to search for monsters you want?
  • If you want a best stats monster, better sell the monster you have in BC, then use the BC to buy the monster you want.
  • Trade monsters in 1st form since all of them are guaranteed to be at best stats. The higher the rarity, the higher the risk. You can even get monsters with around 60% of original stats if the trader has bad stats monster.
  • Max level the monster you want to trade if the monster you have is quite less rarer than the monster you're looking for, so the owners of monsters you're searching for will have consideration to trade his monster with yours.

Basic bazaar natural laws:
  • People will always search for cheapest prices
  • The more people have a certain species of monster in their team, the lesser price it has
  • Price of a legendary / rare monster will drastically drop soon when the collector finished evolving it to its last form
  • Price of a legendary monster will drop in "Legendary Hunting" event where some or many people will be able to catch legendary monsters, depending on numbers of monsters they obtain in the event
  • Best stats or max leveled monster is worth higher price
  • Price of monsters will globally drop due to less players want to buy monsters in BC as time flows